Hon. Clarence C. Hunt Sr., 32°

:. Grand Master

Bro. Hunt was born in Cleveland, MS in 1973.

Education Background

*Cleveland High School 1991

*Coahoma Community College 2005

*Kaplan University (current)-BS Criminal Justice- Homeland Security


*Single parent of 2 young teenage men, Clarence C. Hunt Jr. and Cedrick C. Hunt.

Military Involvement

*U.S. Army- Ammunition and Supply Specialist (MOS)

*Received honorable discharge.

Fraternal Involvement

*Past Senior Deacon, Past Senior Warden, and Past Worshipful Master of County Line Lodge #2

*Past Grand Tyler, Past Grand Junior Deacon, Past Grand Senior Warden, and Past Deputy Grand Master  -of MWPHGL of MS, National Compact

*Past King, Scribe, and Lecturer of Keystone Chapter#4 –Holy Royal Arch

*Past Treasurer and Lecturer of St. Jacob Grand Commandery

*Sublime Prince

*Past Degree Team member for Mecca Grand Temple and Imperial Council

*Past Grand Potentate for Mecca Grand Temple

*Assisted the National Grand Lodge in opening lodges in Texas and Arkansas

*Current Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi- FAAY Masons

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18



P.O. Box 4260

Cleveland, MS 38732


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